History & Background
A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history – Mahatma Gandhi

The Beginning
In 2003, a group of parents and educators got together to find a new way to educate their children. It started with just 12 students, many of whom English was their first language.This “home study” center was the nucleus of what would become Bina Cita Utama School.
As interest in the study center grew so did the dream of a school. In July 2005, with just 28 students of all ages and four classrooms, Bina Cita Utama officially opened to the public as the first bilingual, multicultural school in the province. The majority of students came from the provincial capital, Palangka Raya and surrounding areas, while some of the children were from the international community in Rungan Sari.

BCU was the first ‘National Plus’ school to be registered with the Department of National Education in Central Kalimantan and Government officials fully supported the plan for a new school. The National Plus system incorporates both national and international curricula and is the perfect model as it serves the needs of both Indonesian and expatriate children.
National Plus Schools have now evolved into Joint Educational Establishments (or in Indonesian Satuan Pendidikan Kerjasama), which means that the school is in cooperation with an international curriculum. BCU School now is in the process of becoming a joint educational establishment, while still using the national curriculum as the base and the international curriculum as enrichment..
One in our visions
United in our cause
To find the noble human in us
We study ways of living
That accord with who we are
To the honor and the glory of God
Let us work in harmony
To accomplish and create
To advance the world in humanity
Bina Cita Utama
With goals noble and true
Will take us to a future that’s bright
Will take us to a future that’s bright
Bahasa Indonesia
Bersatu dalam cita
Padu dalam bina
Bangun manusia seutuhnya
Belajar bersusila
Berbudi berdarma
Mengagungkan Tuhan yang esa
Bekerja bersama
Mewujudkan karya
Majukan ilmu dan budaya
Bina Cita Utama
Luhur tujuannya
Raih masa depan nan jaya
Raih masa depan nan jaya